Saturday 9 October 2010

Welcome to IDHTXFANDT!

Because acronyms are a man's best friend.

In this blog I intend to thoroughly take the piss out of the X Factor 2010, possibly expanding to other shows as my sanity or lack thereof allows. "But DM!" I hear you cry, "Taking the piss out of the X Factor is like shooting fish in a barrel!". This may well be true but how many of you have actually tried shooting fish in a barrel? It's strangely cathartic, and the noise created isn't much worse than half of the XF acts' singing.

Also, before I get comments telling me what an idiot I am for watching a show that causes me so much consternation, trust me - I already know.

Anyways, the usual suspects are back - Louis and his terrible, terrible jokes (and I'm not just talking about the over 28s category), Cheryl and her bawling babies who may or may not be able to actually sing but hey at least they're reasonably likely to still be in the country for the next few months, Dannii and her boys (or "Matt and the others" as I will most likely refer to them collectively), and Simon and his incredibly manufactured even by his standards groups.


dramatic pause


dramatic pause


dramatic music

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